Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: April 29, 2020
Publication Date: July 31, 2023
Policy Reviewed Date: November 1, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs
2.39 Academic Program Review
The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) provides quality programs to students in each of its academic disciplines. Quality programs result from careful, collaborative self-study and reflection by the faculty in each of the disciplines and appropriate stewardship by university administrators.
This policy establishes procedures for review of academic programs at 世界杯官方app.
This policy applies to all academic programs and the academic administrators and faculty assigned to those programs.
University of Texas System Program Review Requirements
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Program Review Requirements
If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.39, Academic Program Review, contact the following office:
Continuous Improvement and Accreditation
Academic Program
For the purposes of this policy, an academic program is defined by the combined undergraduate and graduate educational programs of a discipline and the associated scholarly and service activities of its academic unit(s).
Academic Dean
- For Program Review, the Academic Dean, in consultation with the Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School, finalizes the list of external reviewers and alternatives.
- Assists in the preparation of a written response to the review team recommendations.
- Implements recommendations in consultation with the Provost and reports back results.
Graduate School Dean
- In consultation with the Provost, leads the effort for Graduate Program Review in collaboration with the Academic Dean of the college, where the graduate program resides, and finalizes the list of external reviewers and alternatives.
- Assists in the preparation of a written response to the review team recommendations in collaboration with the Academic Dean.
Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs
- In consultation with the Provost and the Dean of the Graduate School finalizes the list of external reviewers and alternatives. In partnership with the Dean of the Graduate School and in collaboration with the Academic Dean of the college leads the effort for the Undergraduate Program Review.
- Assists in the preparation of a written response to the review team recommendations in collaboration with the Academic Dean.
- Proposes a list of suitable reviewers to the college Dean at least four (4) months in advance of a scheduled review.
- Prepares a set of materials to aid external reviewers in their task of reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities of the unit.
- Prepares a written response to the review team recommendations and submits that response to the college Dean.
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Maintains a set of guidelines specifying the process by which external reviews take place. These guidelines are available on the Provost's web site.
Continuous Improvement and Accreditation
- Maintains a general schedule of program reviews
- Notifies Academic Dean, Department Chair/School Director, and other appropriate individuals (e.g., Program Director) no less than eight (8) months in advance of an upcoming review.
General Requirements for Academic Program Review
- All department/school programs shall undergo periodic academic program review.
- Reviews shall be conducted by a panel of external reviewers representing expertise in the academic discipline of the programs under scrutiny.
- The frequency of program review shall not be more than ten (10) years between successive reviews.
- Units subject to periodic specialized accreditation reviews may use those reviews to satisfy this requirement.
- Reviews shall be based on organizational units (for example, departments/schools) and shall integrate reviews of all degree programs offered through those units. Exceptions include:
- interdisciplinary programs involving multiple departments/schools, and
- instances where specialized accreditation only reviews the undergraduate or graduate programs (e.g. ABET only reviews undergraduate programs). In this event, the department/schools or college shall separately schedule a complementary review for programs not covered by specialized accreditation.
- Reviews shall include the following components:
- A self-study document prepared by the department to aid external reviewers in reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities of the unit.
- An external review conducted by expert faculty members from universities equivalent to 世界杯官方app’s aspirant institutions, culminating in an external reviewer report.
- A written response to the review prepared by the department/schools and college, in consultation with the Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and/or the Dean/ Vice Provost of the Graduate School (or their representatives).
- Continuous Improvement and Accreditation shall maintain a general schedule of program reviews and will notify the Dean, Department Chair/School Director and other appropriate individuals (e.g. Program Director) no less than eight (8) months in advance of an upcoming review.
- Continuous Improvement and Accreditation shall maintain a set of guidelines specifying the process by which external reviews take place. Said guidelines will be made publicly available on the Provost’s web site.
Academic Program Review (Provost’s Web Site, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs)