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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: April 2, 2021
Publication Date: April 16, 2021
Policy Reviewed Date: November 14, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs

2.29 Educator Preparation Program Process


The College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) implements all EC-12 educator certification programs, including teachers, school counselors, reading specialists, school principals and superintendents. All additions, changes, or deletions to educator certification programs must be coordinated through the associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships to ensure that the University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) follows state requirements and approval procedures, and that there are no duplicate programs.


The preparation of educators is a University-wide enterprise. All academic units involved in preparing educators must fully understand the educator certification program process so that 世界杯官方app educator certification candidates are successful and that accreditation requirements are met.


All colleges and departments involved in the preparation of EC-12 teachers are subject to this policy.



世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. 世界杯官方app Inventory of Programs (THECB)
  2. 世界杯官方app COEHD Policies

Other Policies & Standards

  1. Texas Administrative Code Title 19 Part 7 State Board for Educator Certification
  2. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Glossary of Terms


If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.29, Teacher Certification Program Process, contact the following office(s):

Office of the Associate Dean of Professional Preparation and Partnerships, COEHD


Approved Program
A grouping of courses represented as entitling a student to a degree or certificate, found in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Inventory of Approved Programs (in the context of this policy, a program entitling a student to a certificate for teaching at a level within EC-12).

Any educator credential issued by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) under the authority of the Texas Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter B, as defined in Texas Administrative Code §23.01(4).

Educator Certification Program
A THECB-approved collegiate degree program or post baccalaureate non-degree programs that leads to certification issued by the State of Texas as an instructor, administrator, or student services provider at a level within EC-12. Concurrently, an SBEC-approved program that can recommend candidates for certification in one or more certification class.

Program Revision
The process by which an institution requests a change to an existing approved program or adds an additional program as required by Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff and as described in TAC §228.10(d).

A proposal to create a new educator preparation program or to modify or eliminate an existing educator preparation program. Such a proposal must address the minimal requirements described by TEA staff as described in TAC §228.10(d).


  1. Originator of Teacher Education Program Proposal or Program Revision
    1. Contacts and discusses the Proposed Program with the Associate Dean of Professional Preparation and Partnerships
    2. Follows the process for new program proposals:
    3. Completes TEA required Curriculum Alignment Charts, application, and other required and supporting documents
    4. Submits completed documentation to the Associate Dean of Professional Preparation and Partnerships
    5. Ensures that appropriate levels of review and approval are obtained, including initial review by the appropriate Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee (APCC), and the college dean.
  2. Dean of the college in which Proposal is initiated
    1. Reviews the Proposal and submits proposal to the Dean’s Council for approval,
    2. Submits approval to the dean of the COEHD and the associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships.
  3. Associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships
    1. Reviews Proposal, Alignment Charts, and other documents
    2. Upon approval by the COEHD dean, submits it to the provost.
  4. Dean, COEHD
    1. Approves proposals


The State of Texas uses the “approved program” concept in its system of educator certification that establishes the regulations and standards by which educators are certified, approves colleges and University teaching programs, and issues certificates to students who have successfully completed those programs.  

  1. The approved program concept imposes the following obligations on the part of the University:
    1. No program should be proposed for State approval, which the University is not prepared to support and maintain on a continuing basis.
    2. All courses required in each approved program must be offered so that students may complete the requirements without delay or undue hardship.
    3. Proposed additions, deletions, or modifications of certificate programs should be made in light of The University of Texas System (UT System) regulations, which specify that no course may be offered which is not listed in a current catalog.
    4. Changes in undergraduate and graduate certificate programs should be so controlled as to become effective as of the date of the proper catalog. A program shall not change in less than a two-year period, unless new SBEC standards or requirements demand a swifter response.
    5. In the event of a program being dropped or modified, the University is obligated to protect all students then enrolled in the program by making it possible for the requirements to be completed in a reasonable amount of time as set forth in the approved program.
  2. New Programs, and Program Changes or Deletions
    1. All EC-12 educator certification programs are housed in the College of Education and Human Development and are the responsibility of the associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships.
    2. Anyone requesting a new Proposal or program changes or deletions should coordinate with the associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships before submitting the Proposal to their college or department's APCC and dean for approval.
    3. After approval by the APCC and the appropriate dean, the Proposal should be submitted to the associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships and the dean of the COEHD for approval.
    4. Proposals approved by the dean of the COEHD and the associate dean for teacher education must be submitted to the provost for final University approval.
    5. The associate dean of professional preparation and partnerships will route proposals approved by the provost to the TEA/SBEC and the THECB as needed for state-level approval.
  3. Student notification
    1. All students in a program subject to closure or deactivation by an approved Proposal must be notified, and no new students should be accepted as of the effective date.
    2. Students in a program modified by an approved Proposal must be notified of the specific changes, via the program's website, and provisions must be made so that students in progress are allowed to complete the program in a reasonable amount of time unhindered and without undue hardship. Students should be notified of deadlines by which they must be certified and can no longer be supported.


1. New certificates must be approved by the TEA/SBEC before implementation occurs.
2. Faculty engaged in teacher preparation must participate in curricular and policy meetings and comply with COEHD Policies.



