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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 1 - Administration
Previous Publication Date: December 6, 2023
Publication Date: March 8, 2024
Policy Reviewed Date: April 8, 2024
Policy Owner: President

1.01 Administrative Officers


The University of Texas at San Antonio (“University”) executes its degree granting and management authority through officers of administration as delegated by The University of Texas System (“UT System”) Board of Regents’ Rules 20102 and 20201.

The UT System Board of Regents (Board) is the governing body for The University of Texas System and is composed of nine members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.  The chief administrative officer of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) is the president who has the responsibility of articulating the mission and values of the University.  The UT System Board of Regents, Regents’ Rules, Rule 20201, state that the president has authority and responsibility to administer and execute institutional policies as developed by the Board.  Further, UT System, through Regents’ Rules, Rule 20102, delegates to the president of each institution "the responsibility for the appointment and dismissal of all other administrative officers" of the institution, with certain appointments and dismissals subject to prior approval by the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.


The reason for the policy is to define the delegated authority, responsibilities, and organizational reporting structure for the University’s president and his executive organization.


The policy applies to all University employees.



  1. University of Texas System Policies or the Board of Regents’ Rules & Regulations
    1. Board of Regents’ Rule 20201 - Presidents
    2. Board of Regents’ Rule 20102 – Appointment of Institutional Administrative Officers
    3. Board of Regents’ Rule 10402 – Committees and Other Appointments
    4. Board of Regents’ Rule 20401 – Audit and Compliance Programs
  2. 世界杯官方app HOP Policies
    1. HOP 1.02 – Consultation in the Selection of Certain Key Administrative Officials
  3. Other Policies & Standards
    1. Charter – Institutional Compliance – Mission Statement and Charter


If you have any questions about HOP policy 1.01 Administrative Officers, contact the following office(s):

  1. The Office of the President
  2. http://www.utsa/edu/president/




Summarizes the responsibilities of each 世界杯官方app office or officer named in the policy.
  1. Executive Administrative Officers
    1. President
      1. The President is the chief administrative officer of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) and has the ultimate responsibility for, and exercises appropriate control over, the institutions’ educational, administrative, and fiscal programs and services. The President's duties and responsibilities are set out in The University of Texas System Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 20201, Section 4.
    2. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost)
      1. The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer at 世界杯官方app and is ultimately responsible for Academic Affairs. The Provost reports directly to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. As a member of the President’s Cabinet, the Provost provides the president with guidance and leadership for all of the University's academic community. The Provost is responsible for overseeing the academic colleges managed by the dean of each college. The Provost is charged with ensuring the quality of academic programs and supporting the hiring of faculty who are top in their field. The Provost also oversees the area of Academic Support, which includes strategic enrollment, strategic educational partnerships, student affairs, student success, academic innovation, undergraduate studies, career-engaged learning, faculty success, libraries, graduate studies, global initiatives, and university planning.
    3. Senior Vice President for Business Affairs (VPBA)
      1. The VPBA serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the institution and reports directly to the President. The VPBA is also a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPBA manages the University’s annual budget in concert with the president and his Cabinet and is responsible for operating and capital budget planning, proactively managing the University’s fiscal resources, and for developing a long-term sustainable economic model that ensures the viability of the University. The VPBA oversees the areas of financial affairs, budget and financial planning, public safety and police, facilities, human resources, housing and campus services, purchasing, and business contracts. 
    4. Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement (VPAAE)
      1. The VPAAE reports to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPAAE provides leadership and administration of all of the University’s fundraising functions and oversees development, the Alumni Association, operations and talent management, the Athletics Resource department, corporate and foundation engagement, and donor relations. The VPAAE also serves as the executive-level representative of the President in many advancement activities in the community and provides staff support to presidential initiatives. The VPAAE works with the President and the President’s Cabinet to develop and implement institutional advancement strategies.
    5. Vice President for Information Management and Technology (VPIMT)
      1. The VPIMT reports to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPIMT is responsible for the University’s overall technology environment, including IT enablement for research and teaching activities of faculty and students, oversight of all information applications and infrastructure related to administrative information technology, information security, and broad technical support for faculty, staff, and students. The VPIMT advises the President on relevant matters regarding technology services and participates in the University’s strategic and operational planning processes.  
    6. Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics & Athletics Director (VPIA/AD)
      1. The VPIA/AD reports to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPIA/AD administers the overall athletic program, providing strategic direction and oversight. The VPIA/AD is responsible for providing leadership and management of areas aligned with 世界杯官方app Athletics including the teams, administration of facilities, and management of indoor and outdoor athletics facilities. Further, the VPIA/AD manages fundraising for development of the athletics program and plans for the future of athletics facilities.
    7. Vice President for Research (VPR)
      1. The VPR reports to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPR provides guidance to the President and management for all aspects of the research operations, centers and institutes, and economic development areas of the University. The VPR is responsible for innovation and economic development, commercialization and technology transfer, strategic initiatives and research partnerships, research integrity, lab safety, sponsored projects, research finance and operations, and research communications.  
    8. Vice President for University Relations (VPUR)
      1. The VPUR reports to the President and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPUR provides leadership dedicated to community relationships, including working to build alliances with federal, state, city and county elected officials, as well as University stakeholders and audiences. The VPUR oversees the teams responsible for government relations, community relations, university marketing, university communications, presidential communications, and special projects. 
  2. Other Administrative Officers
    Other administrative officers of the University are identified below.  These appointees serve without fixed term, and report to and are responsible to the President, unless otherwise indicated below.
    1. Academic Deans
      1. The Deans of the academic colleges report directly to the Provost. Deans have the authority and responsibility for the operation of their respective colleges, provide the leadership necessary to ensure first-class academic programs (both undergraduate and graduate), and manage faculty and staff performance.
    2. Department Chairs/School Directors
      1. The Department Chairs/School Directors in the academic areas report directly to the dean of the college. They are responsible for the operation of their departments/schools, including sound organizational management. Department Chairs/School Directors, with the help of assistant chairs and program directors, oversee program coordination to ensure programs include appropriate content, pedagogy, and essential curricular components specific and relevant to the discipline. They actively seek input from the department faculty and effectively interact with students, colleagues, subordinates, and staff. Department Chairs/School Directors also engage in external fundraising and outreach appropriate to the department as needed, participate in strategic planning, and provide leadership in faculty and staff recruitment and development and in academic program development. References to Department Chair throughout the Handbook of Operating Procedures also include the School Director title.
    3. Chief Legal Officers
      1. The Chief Legal Officer provides legal advice and counsel to the President and other university officials on a variety of issues, and advises on all applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. This Officer coordinates the university’s response to lawsuits, various claims and demands, settlement proposals, government agency filings and subpoenas, legally reviews policies in the university’s Handbook of Operating Procedures, and legally reviews contracts and agreements prior to final approval by the Vice President for Business Affairs or other designated university official. The Chief Legal Officer oversees the Office of Legal Affairs. The Chief Legal Officer also serves as the University Ethics Officer.
    4. Chief Audit Executive
      1. The Chief Audit Executive shall be accountable to the 世界杯官方app President and the Institutional Audit Committee to provide assessments on the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's processes for controlling its activities and managing its risks. The Office of Auditing and Consulting Services assists 世界杯官方app in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the university’s governance, risk management, and internal control
    5. Executive Director of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services
      1. The Executive Director is responsible for the oversight of the Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services, Information Security, and the Office of Equal Opportunity Services. The Office of Institutional Compliance shall promote compliance with applicable laws, regulations, agreements and internal policies and procedures and provide assurance to the 世界杯官方app President and the Executive Compliance Committee that compliance risks are identified, prioritized, and managed appropriately.
  3. Appointment of Administrative Officers
    1. The President has authority and responsibility for appointment and dismissal of Administrative Officers of the University, including Vice President, Deans, Directors, and their equivalents. For each such appointment and dismissal, whether from a permanent or acting appointment, the prior approval of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is required. All administrative officers serve without fixed term and are subject to serving at the pleasure of the President.
    2. The President delegates the authority and responsibility for the appointment of associate and assistant Vice President, Directors, or their equivalent, to the respective Vice President for those positions in his or her division. These officers serve without a fixed term, serve at the pleasure of the President and report directly to their respective vice president, unless otherwise addressed by employment contract.
    3. The Board of Regents endorses the principle of reasonable consultation with faculty, staff, and students in the selection of administrative officers of the University. The President will endeavor to determine selection of these officers using reasonable consultation, including those procedures outlined in HOP 1.02 , Section IX Guidelines for the Selection of Certain Key administrative Officials. The President, however, will not be bound by nominations or recommendations by such advisory or selection committees in the execution of his or her duties.







