Chaper 9 - General Provisions
Policy Reviewed Date: April 8, 2024
Publication Date: August 27, 2018
Policy Owner: President
9.50 Major Events Hosted by Non-University Users
The University of Texas at San Antonio (University) is committed to free speech as essential to its educational mission and as a vital component of its identity. The University is also committed to hosting a variety of events on campus, which supplement and enrich students’ educational experience. Toward that end, the University makes certain facilities and spaces available to University registered organizations and to other Non-University users for Major Events, defined below, that meet the guidelines for policy-compliant events in the University’s limited public free speech forum.
This policy has been developed to promote the efficient and orderly use of University property in a centralized manner. This policy has also been developed to maintain the safety of our community when Major Events, conducted in compliance with this policy, are held on the University’s property. The efficient and orderly use of the University’s property (which includes both facilities and grounds) is intended to further the University’s mission of education, research, and public service. In order to maximize the success of an event, it is recommended that you provide as much notice as possible for the event. Ideally, for most major events, the University will need at least 30 days to review and implement a proposed use.
This policy applies to Major Events scheduled, organized, hosted or supervised by Non-University users, and to Major Events over which Non-University users have authority. For the purposes of this policy, supervision is defined as direct, on-site responsibility for the event. Events scheduled, organized, hosted and supervised by University academic and administrative departments are not subject to this policy.
世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations
- UT System Board of Regents’ Rules, Rules 80104, 80105, 80106 and 80108
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 4.23 Registration of Faculty and Staff Organizations
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 5.02 Regulations Relating to Student Organizations
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 8.05, Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups: Joint Sponsorship
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 8.06, Special Use Facilities
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.16, Use of Alcoholic Beverages
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.37, Peaceful Public Assembly
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.47, Use of Residential Conference Centers
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.48, Carrying of Concealed Handguns on Campus
- 世界杯官方app Major Event Process
- 世界杯官方app Student Organization Handbook
- 世界杯官方app Campus Carry Policy
If you have any questions about HOP policy 9.50, Major Events Hosted by Non-University Users, please contact the following office:
The Office of Events Management & Conference Services
Major Event: any event which may involve multiple days, take place outdoors, project high attendance, need security, charge admission fees, use multiple spaces, or consist of large-scale or complex activities. The University reserves the right to classify any proposed event as a Major Event based on the University’s assessment of information other than the content or viewpoints anticipated to be expressed during the event or expressed at past events.
Non-University Users: includes Registered Student Organizations as defined by the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) policy 5.02 Regulations Relating to Student Organizations, 世界杯官方app Faculty or Staff Organizations as defined by the HOP policy 4.23 Registration of Faculty and Staff Organizations, and individuals, groups, associations or corporations utilizing University space pursuant to any applicable University policy allowing such use, including HOP policy 8.05 Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups: Joint Sponsorships, HOP policy 8.06 Special Use Facilities and HOP policy 9.47 Use of Residential Conference Centers.
University Officials: The head of a divisional unit, college or department, and/or his/her authorized delegate with administrative responsibilities and oversight authority.
- The responsibilities of the involved parties may be found here.
- Criteria of Major Events Hosted by Non-University Users
- A Major Event that meets at least one of the following criteria will require the hosts to follow all applicable processes and policies included in or referenced by this policy, in addition to any other University policies that may apply:
- University Officials determine that, to plan for and/or manage the event, the event logistics and requirements necessitate the involvement of more University administrative units than
- the administrative unit responsible for scheduling the facility,
- the University police department (hereafter 世界杯官方appPD) and
- Student Activities, if the event is a Registered Student Organization event;
- University Officials determine the event is likely to affect campus safety and security (based on assessment from the 世界杯官方appPD) or significantly affect campus services other than those provided by the administrative unit responsible for scheduling the facility, grounds, roads or parking;
- University Officials determine the event has a likelihood of interfering with campus functions or activities other than the functions and activities of the administrative unit making the event facility available.
- University Officials determine that, to plan for and/or manage the event, the event logistics and requirements necessitate the involvement of more University administrative units than
- A Major Event that meets at least one of the following criteria will require the hosts to follow all applicable processes and policies included in or referenced by this policy, in addition to any other University policies that may apply:
- Regulations Governing Major Events Hosted by Non-University Users
- Registered Student Organizations planning a Major Event that meet at least one of the criteria in A.1. of this section must follow the procedures outlined for such events in the 世界杯官方app Major Event Process.
- All other Non-University users of campus facilities must follow the procedures established by the relevant policy under which they are allowed to access those facilities (e.g., HOP policy 8.05 Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups: Joint Sponsorships, HOP policy 8.06 Special Use Facilities, HOP policy 9.47 Use of Residential Conference Centers.) Events meeting any of the criteria outlined in A.1. of this section must also follow all the procedures outlined for such events in the 世界杯官方app Major Event Process.
- Based on assessment of details by the University, advanced ticketing may be required.
- 世界杯官方appPD will assess security needs based on objective and credible evidence of specific risks, and not on assessment of the viewpoints, opinions or anticipated expression of event speakers, sponsors, participants, community or performers. 世界杯官方appPD’s recommendations will meet the following security goals:
- Minimize risks to the health and safety of the event participants and audience;
- Minimize risks to the campus and surrounding community;
- Maximize the ability of the event organizers to execute a successful Major Event; and
- Protect the exercise of free expression by the event organizers, participants and community, within the scope of the University’s limited public forum.
- If the University determines that there is an imminent threat to safety or property, the University may postpose or cancel an event.
- The maximum room capacity for all campus facilities is established by the University’s Fire Marshal. The University event scheduler or facility coordinator may reduce capacity further in accordance with staff availability and other considerations.
- Major Event attendees may be subject to search for contraband, weapons, drugs, alcohol and other illegal or prohibited materials to provide for the safety of event participants. Participants will be notified through signs posted at the event entrance if they will be subject to search.
- Failure to comply with University regulations and policies pertaining to events may result in denial of facility use request. Non-compliant events may be re-scheduled in a compliant manner.
世界杯官方app Special Use Facilities Non-University Event Request Form
Registered Student Organizations Event Submission Form
世界杯官方app Major Event Process